I am a Non-resident Indian (NRI) as well as a Overseas Citizen Of India (OCI).  As one who loves India, I chose to invest over one million GBP (British Pounds) with the HDFC Bank in Foreign Currency Fixed Deposits (FCNR-FD).  

On maturity of the said deposits on March 21, 2015, I expected to be paid the proceeds in GBP.  But the Criminal Relationship Managers at the HDFC Bank had a surprise for me.  They produced a forged Forward Cover document to commit a massive fraud and cheating against me.  It is like being mugged by these suited booted thugs at the HDFC Bank in Mumbai.  The Criminals, I am told by the Bank, are the Bank Relationship Managers assigned by them to help protect my accounts. Here are the pictures of some of the Thugs that the HDFC Bank employed and trained to cheat me big time :

ANINDITA DAS, BOSS OF RAJDIP                                                          RAJDIP BASU, RM      






These two criminals, I am told, are the ones that forged the illegal Forward Cover documents with the full knowledge and support of the HDFC Bank Mafia bosses in Mumbai, all of whose pictures I may not have at this time.  The HDFC Bank Mumbai criminal teams are the back office mafia bosses who plan, direct and execute the criminal enterprise and cheating with the help of the two above foot soldiers of this crime.  Some of the Mumbai criminal bosses were Deepak Jaisawal, Pinto, Jagdish Capoor, Prasun Singh, and of course the Super-Fraud Aditya Puri, the CEO.  These back office con men and fraudsters are best represented by the CEO Puri below :      

Aditya Puri is the Super Boss of this Criminal Operations and Empire; and they have cheated me and family of the one million plus GBP by committing forgery, fraud and Section 420 cheating plus illegally stealing foreign currency and money laundering.  Before disappearing with his loot, Rajdip Basu told me curtly that this is how HDFC Bank makes money: that is, by cheating its customers.  He is just following orders.  It is unclear if he has been terminated or hiding some where within this Criminal Empire.  

Now, a brief summary of the HDFC Bank’s criminal activity against me, as I have learned so far.  Mumbai Police sadly is sitting on the case almost doing nothing.  HDFC Bank directs Rajdip Basu and others to illegally forge my signature on three stamp papers purchased by them claiming that I agreed to buy Forward Contract.  There are no credible objective witnesses except the criminal forgers that I signed these documents. Then, they created an agreement in Mumbai with my forged signature, which they claime was sent to me by email and I returned to them duely signed; this is a total lie and I have never received the documents, never signed it and returned it to them. Using these forged documents, the HDFC Bank extorted over 1 million GBP from me on March 23, 2015.  In a nutshell, this is a massive cheating by HDFC Bank. HDFC Bank is

HDFC Bank is the most dangerous Criminal Bank in India.  I urge the CBI to look into this massive criminal fraud, theft and criminal extortion of foreign currency by this Criminal Bank of India.





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