I am a Non-resident Indian (NRI) as well as a Overseas Citizen Of India (OCI).  As one who loves India, I chose to invest over one million GBP (British Pounds) with the HDFC Bank in Foreign Currency Fixed Deposits (FCNR-FD).  

On maturity of the said deposits on March 21, 2015, I expected to be paid the proceeds in GBP.  But the Criminal Relationship Managers at the HDFC Bank had a surprise for me.  They produced a forged Forward Cover document to commit a massive fraud and cheating against me.  It is like being mugged by these suited booted thugs at the HDFC Bank in Mumbai.  The Criminals, I am told by the Bank, are the Bank Relationship Managers assigned by them to help protect my accounts. Here are the pictures of some of the Thugs that the HDFC Bank employed and trained to cheat me big time :

ANINDITA DAS, BOSS OF RAJDIP                                                          RAJDIP BASU, RM      






These two criminals, I am told, are the ones that forged the illegal Forward Cover documents with the full knowledge and support of the HDFC Bank Mafia bosses in Mumbai, all of whose pictures I may not have at this time.  The HDFC Bank Mumbai criminal teams are the back office mafia bosses who plan, direct and execute the criminal enterprise and cheating with the help of the two above foot soldiers of this crime.  Some of the Mumbai criminal bosses were Deepak Jaisawal, Pinto, Jagdish Capoor, Prasun Singh, and of course the Super-Fraud Aditya Puri, the CEO.  These back office con men and fraudsters are best represented by the CEO Puri below :      

Aditya Puri is the Super Boss of this Criminal Operations and Empire; and they have cheated me and family of the one million plus GBP by committing forgery, fraud and Section 420 cheating plus illegally stealing foreign currency and money laundering.  Before disappearing with his loot, Rajdip Basu told me curtly that this is how HDFC Bank makes money: that is, by cheating its customers.  He is just following orders.  It is unclear if he has been terminated or hiding some where within this Criminal Empire.  

Now, a brief summary of the HDFC Bank’s criminal activity against me, as I have learned so far.  Mumbai Police sadly is sitting on the case almost doing nothing.  HDFC Bank directs Rajdip Basu and others to illegally forge my signature on three stamp papers purchased by them claiming that I agreed to buy Forward Contract.  There are no credible objective witnesses except the criminal forgers that I signed these documents. Then, they created an agreement in Mumbai with my forged signature, which they claime was sent to me by email and I returned to them duely signed; this is a total lie and I have never received the documents, never signed it and returned it to them. Using these forged documents, the HDFC Bank extorted over 1 million GBP from me on March 23, 2015.  In a nutshell, this is a massive cheating by HDFC Bank. HDFC Bank is

HDFC Bank is the most dangerous Criminal Bank in India.  I urge the CBI to look into this massive criminal fraud, theft and criminal extortion of foreign currency by this Criminal Bank of India.






REF: Mumbai Police Station Complaint No. Iw.18/Email/15 Dated June 29, 2015

My name is Samar Chatterjee; I am an NRI and an Overseas Citizen Of India (OCI).  As a patriotic Indian, I was happy to invest over one million GBP (British Pounds) with the HDFC Bank, Mumbai, in FCNR FDs.  I was hoping for an honest dealing by this Bank.

The FD receipts dated March 6, 2015 showed that the funds were still in GBP and no lien was placed on them.  Yet, on March 21, 2015, Deepak Jaiswal of this Criminal Bank chose to steal the above GBP funds, using a forged My name is Samar Chatterjee; I am an NRI and an Overseas Citizen Of India (OCI). As a patriotic Indian, I was happy to invest over one million GBP (British Pounds) with the HDFC Bank, Mumbai, in FCNR FDs. I was hoping for an honest dealingby this Bank.The FD receipts dated March 6, 2015 showed that the funds were still in GBP and no lien was placed on them. Yet, on March 21, 2015, Deepak Jaiswal of this Criminal Bank chose to steal the above GBP funds, document.  Hence, this is a clear case of cheating and theft of foreign currency by the HDFC Bank, under Section 420 of the IPC.

On maturity of the said accounts,  I visited the HDFC Bank’s Mulund (W) Branch on March 21, 2015 to receive the proceeds of the FDs in foreign currency GBP by cheque.  The bank employee ( Deepak Jaiswal, who claimed to be the Head of NRI Services) processed my request and shocked me claiming that there is a lien on my FDs called the “FX-Booking Confirmation”.  This so-called lien has been fabricated by forgery and fraud by the HDFC Bank’s loyal employees, as affirmed in my Affidavit.  This illegal document was forged and kept secret from me since May, 2012.
Deepak Jaiswal and the HDFC Bank refused to accept my statement and chose to cheat me by illegally converting my foreign currency GBP deposits in Indian Rupees without my authorization.  They converted the foreign currency at an arbitrary fraud rate of Rs. 81.82 per GBP, which is well below the market rate of Rs. 101.03 per GBP.  Hence, the HDFC Bank and Deepak Jaiswal were cheating me of foreign currency worth  1,050,744.05 GBP while settling the proceeds of my matured FDs. This was clearly an act of cheating and fraud under Sections 420, 418, 463 and 415 of the IPC.
Please note that the alleged lien document not only contains a forged signature of me, but is also a fraud because it does not contain my address of record.  No proof was presented that the document was sent to me, and was returned by me duly signed, as claimed in the document.  There is also no proof that the said funds were ever offered for sale by me, nor did I ever agree to the forged Forward Cover.  The alleged Forward Cover contract has not been notarized, nor was it signed on each page by the contracting parties in presence of credible witnesses.  Hence, it is not a valid document and is clearly a product of fraud.  I was never informed when this document was created, nor did I receive a copy of the same.
The toxic nature of this fraud Forward Cover has been discussed by Sucheta Dalal of Moneylife Magazine whose investigation found HDFC Bank pitching toxic products to NRIs; see article below:
This fraud by HDFC Bank against me was hatched and commanded from the Mumbai Office of this Bank, as indicated in the document.  The document was created in Mumbai to cheat this Imperia customer with the help of other bankers like Anindita Das and her assistants like Rajdip Basu and Joy Majumdar who were also trained to secretly forge documents by the Mumbai Bank officials.  Deepak Jaiswal claimed that Rajdip Basu had met with me in Delhi to create this document, which is entirely false, since I had not seen this document in Delhi and had refused to accept any Forward Cover for the FDs.  Jaiswal also claimed that the GBP funds were sold on the market long ago to unknown party, which is also false.
The cheating and fraud propensity of the HDFC Bank has been outlined by another customer cheated by this Bank.  See the link below:
The funds to create the GBP FDs were paid by me to the Mumbai Worli Branch of the HDFC Bank during March, 2009, as indicated by the email record dated Nov 25, 2009.  Again on March 3, 2010, I requested the Mumbai Worli Branch to renew the FDs for 5 years.  The FD receipts were issued by the Chennai Office on behalf of the Mumbai Head Office and does not state the name of the branch, since FDs are the obligation of the Bank and not of any branch.
HDFC Bank has expressly allowed us “any branch banking” for the FDs.  All the legitimate transactions on these FDs were performed in Mumbai, including my customer no. 32171438 as well as the illegal forged document used to cheat me.  As such, the jurisdiction of this case is clearly in Mumbai.
The Mumbai Bank team, it seems, have employed some of the trained cheats working under the supervision of Anindita Das to forge the illegal documents; hence the criminals involved should be prosecuted under the Mumbai jurisdiction, since the actual fraud took place here in Mumbai.
I therefore request that the HDFC Bank be compelled to pay the entire defrauded amount of the GBP 1,050,744.05 to this victim. Plus, the Bank should be fined for fraud and be made to pay appropriate damages.  The criminals who committed the cheating and fraud be sent to jail at once.  I respectfully urge the Police and the Honorable Courts to refer the case to the CBI for prosecution of these criminals.  A copy of the Police Complaint is also attached below.  Thanks.
Warm regards.                 Samar Chatterjee
1616 Marion St NW, Unit 223, Washington, DC 20001. USA.
Phone. 202-670-5403 in USA.


TODAY  IS  THE  BIRTHDAY  OF  MAHATMA  GANDHI,                                                   THE APOSTLE  OF  PEACE  INDIA  GAVE  TO  OUR  TROUBLED  WORLD

MahatmaGandhi                       Gandhi-DC


Introduction ::::::        Gandhiji not only gave India its freedom but also gave the world and us a new thought on nonviolence and sustainable living. His teachings and experiments are more valid today than ever before, especially when we are trying to find solutions to worldwide greed, corruption, violence and runaway consumptive lifestyle which are putting a very heavy burden on the world’s resources.

Through ages India has time and again given to the world a new thought. Thus Buddhism, Jainism, Yogic system, Sikhism are part of the great spiritual thought given by India from time to time.  Gandhiji’s message of nonviolence and sustainable living is a continuation of that long tradition.

To my mind Gandhiji’s greatest contribution to sustainable development was two fold. Firstly his experiments in simple living and high thinking. He believed that with simple living the resources of the planet earth can sustain us comfortably and his famous saying that earth provides us enough for our needs but not for our greed is extremely apt today. Secondly his insistence on all inclusive growth
of the society and hence his focus on rural development.

I will try to show in this essay how both these issues are as relevant today as they were 100 years ago when Gandhiji enumerated them.

Gandhi’s spirituality :::::      Gandhiji was a highly evolved and spiritual human being. To him spirituality came first. Other things like politics, public life etc. were by-products of his spirituality. Also as a person progresses on the path of spirituality, his or her priorities in life change. The focus of life shifts more towards getting personal happiness through mental peace or by helping others and less on material needs, greed and desires.  Gandhiji’s experiments on simple and sustainable living followed his own spiritual progress.

He also realized from an early age the importance of a great body and mind. In this he was following the tenets of ancient Yogic system which stresses on a healthy body and a powerful mind. Thus all his experiments on food, brahmacharya (celibacy) and fasting came from this belief. Besides he also realized that to fight a powerful enemy like Britain, he had to make his body-temple extremely powerful so that it could sustain long fights. This meant that it had to need least amount of comforts and external inputs and thus Gandhiji showed that with simple living he could produce the highest quality of thought. To my mind this was an ultimate example of sustainable living.

The spirit of Bhagwad Gita’s Karma Yoga guided him in his endeavors and he considered it as his duty to help his countrymen and fellow beings. There are many instances of people who saw his glowing skin, aura, and felt the presence of his personality whenever they met him. That is only possible for a Yogi of very high order.

My father who was involved in the freedom struggle and went to jail with Gandhiji told me of a remarkable instance. In early 1940’s just before the quit India movement, a mammoth public meeting took place in Allahabad. Between half to a million people were present. Gandhiji was late for the meeting. All the great leaders of independence movement were giving their speeches and trying to
calm the crowd, which was quite restless. Then suddenly Gandhiji came, climbed on the dais and put a finger on his lips. A wave of silence swept the grounds starting from dais. My father termed it as a remarkable experience of the power of a small frail man over the masses.

Possessed with a great body and a powerful mind he also became fearless and it is this quality of fearlessness which made him blaze new trails and produce novel political strategies like nonviolence, Satyagraha, etc. Time and again he showed his fearlessness by dealing with British on equal terms. In 1920s and 30s during the height of colonial rule such a behavior of a subject in front of his colonial
masters was unique and provided a quantum jump in raising the consciousness of Indians.

Besides this quality of fearlessness also rooted him deeply in the path of Karma Yoga and hence he believed only in work and power of will and never in any astrologers, palmist etc.

When the brain becomes very powerful it also becomes sensitive to the surroundings. This is the genesis of nonviolence as this makes all life sacred.

Gandhiji as the pujari (priest) of nonviolence used it for everything including industrialization. He rightly thought the industrialization of 1920s to be a violent system with heavy machinery, very inefficient energy and materials conversion technologies and no concern for the environment.  Intuitively he revolted against those systems and felt that simple life (with few needs) and most of the daily things to be produced from locally available materials was nonviolent and in tune with the nature.

Gandhi was not anti-technology or science. He was a prisoner of his times. He always said that he was a pujari (priest) of “body-temple” and since it was the most complex machinery in the world so how could he be anti-machinery! He believed in rural-based and economically viable local production and consumption systems. Hence he was against things made in Bombay and shipped to rural areas.

Similarly he said that he objected to electricity being produced in Bombay and transmitted to Wardha (where his ashram was). He wanted it produced in Wardha from local resources – again showing his vision since decentralized power production is gaining currency.

Not being a student of science or engineering he could not express his feelings in a scientific way but always talked about his dream village which he felt will be self-sufficient with its inhabitants living in harmony with nature. Modern technology which is following bio-mimicry allows for the first time to have softer and efficient systems to achieve our purposes and for the Gandhian dream becoming a

I am sure if he were alive today he would have felt that his dream village could have taken shape with the availability of internet connectivity, desktop manufacturing (also called 3-D printing), and small renewable energy power packs. His dream of giving employment and decent life to rural population may become possible with the availability of these energy-efficient and high-tech systems.

As a spiritual being and a visionary, Gandhiji was far ahead of his times. For example he was energy conservator par excellence. He lived in his ashrams without electricity or any modern amenities. His insistence on use of self/human labor for majority of needs was legendary and was usually frowned upon by his closest colleagues who thought it was anti-progress and pushing back India to stone ages.  Nevertheless with the development of sophisticated man-machine interface technologies like free play radios, human powered electricity producing units for laptops, cell phones etc, the use of self/human labor maybe able to solve the twin problems of obesity and energy!

Sometimes Gandhiji carried his energy conservation experiments too far. His experiments on conserving his sexual energy proved quite controversial. He was obviously following the age-old tradition of abstinence that yogis practice. Thus when, at the age of 70, he had a wet dream he felt that his world had collapsed. He wrote about it and said that he felt ashamed of himself. Recent scientific
evidence however has shown that our brains are full of sexual chemicals, which help in memory improvement and general well being. It is therefore possible that the practice of abstinence was done intuitively by yogis to conserve these chemicals to enhance their brain quality, which would help them in practice of yoga. More than the loss of chemicals, Gandhiji felt a lack of Sanyam and a loss of control over his purity of thought and hence his anguish. ………………..




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